Friday, 25 October 2013

Results of MOT

Hello peoples in my internet! 
So yesterday i was in hospital for my MOT, basically a series of tests inside my heart through a small surgery. You're awake for the whole thing, which is a bit odd, but after undergoing this surgery over 30 times i've gotten pretty used to it! 
The surgeon was pretty happy with how everything looked, but i would get the full results in clinic today. 
After the surgery you have to lie flat for 2 hours, be sat up for an hour and then they stand you up, make you walk a little then sit you down for another hour. This is to make sure the wound doesn't burst, they use the femoral artery in the groin to directly access the heart, if it bleeds you have about 5minutes to get help or it's goodnight! 
So i saw my transplant consultant this morning, he checked my x-rays against 5 years ago, and 10 years ago, then moved onto the video imagery from the surgery. 
Blood pumping through my heart

He compared the various video angles to the videos from the last 10 surgeries and was happy to announce that the heart looked strong and there were no signs of wear & tear or angina etc. 

Despite all the physical activity i do, waiting for these results scares the shit out of me every year. Talking with the Dr though he said i have to start thinking that things won't go wrong, instead of waiting for them to go wrong. The advances in medicines and the ever growing understanding of transplanted organs is shifting from an estimated life span, to a view of them lasting a lifetime. 
Having been told to expect five years, i've always considered the following 16 years as living on borrowed time, now its time to shift into just living like a normal person!
Thankyou all for the support & well wishes, it means alot! 

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