Monday, 29 December 2014


Hola Amigos!

So 2014 is almost finished, and 2015 is almost upon us, time to look back and see how far we came!

I set no resolutions for 2014, no goals, just RUN! I had an idea to hit 1000miles, almost double my 2013 total (530) but i wouldnt kill myself to reach it.

January & February flew in with 100 miles & 90ish miles respectively, including a pb at 25km distance at Ennerdale, taking 20+ minutes off my previous best. 

March set off well, staying on point with about 25/30 miles a week. Hit with a sore throat at the end of week two, which developed into a huge infection & a hospital stay for iv antibiotics & fluids. Obviously at this point March was written off!

April, May & June saw a return to form with just shy of a 100 miles a month each, and got my weight down to an adult all time low! Though my pace remained awful, usual story! 

I don't remember what happened in July, it must have been an injury/strain as the mileage just fell apart! There was a brief respite at the beginning of August, but then...

Mystery illness started! From early August until the start of November i suffered from this illness, which no one could figure out. Constant retching and nausea for 8 weeks just about saw me off. I was tired, sore, sickly, and not running! Countless blood tests, numerous trial & error/ non effective medicines & a few procedures to see inside, again to no avail!

A few weeks of non retching & feeling 'human' and i was allowed to run again, thank #%}~

November had me back above the 50 mile mark, some solid miles on Latrigg and a super awesome ascent on Red Pike with Azja. 

December will see me break the 50mile a month mark again, and over 700 miles for the year with an average of over 150ft per mile, which is nice! 

In other news i came on leaps & bounds with regards my anxiety & panic attacks. Owed entirely to the work of Sally Stubbs with to work tirelessly to unravel & heal 32 years of surgery, fears of everything unravelling, cancer diagnosis & surgery, and a general lifetime of waiting for death. 

Now i look forward to the future, look forward to more miles, look forward to a life with Azja. 

I look forward to living.

And more #CumbrianKrupicka

1 comment:

  1. Your an awesome lover of life mate 👍👍😜🏃🏃🗻🗻🗻
